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Complimentary Planning Resources

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On the following page, you will find a short questionnaire that will allow us to provide you with the resources and information best suited to your needs and interests.

This resources request form is being provided to you by SickKids Foundation. By clicking "I Agree" below, you understand and consent to the disclosure of your form responses, along with your name, email address, and any other personal information you may provide in the course of completing the form, to SickKids Foundation. SickKids Foundation will use your form responses to become better stewards of your donations, as well as to improve programs and outreach efforts. Any personal information you provide will be used in accordance with SickKids Foundation's Privacy Policy will only use and disclose your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy, and as otherwise necessary for SickKids Foundation to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

If you do not wish to share your form responses or personal information with SickKids Foundation, please click "I Do Not Agree" below, which will end this form response and direct you to the main website. Thank you.

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